Does Baldur’s Gate 3 Have Crossplay? The Ultimate Guide

Baldur’s Gate 3, developed by Larian Studios, has evolved into one of 2023’s standout CRPGs, earning acclaim for its rich storytelling, deep role-playing mechanics, and visually stunning world. With its release on multiple platforms, including PC, PlayStation 5, and Xbox Series X/S, a common question among the game’s growing fanbase is whether it supports cross-play, allowing friends on different systems to dive into its expansive, D&D-inspired universe together. Here’s a dive into the current state of crossplay in Baldur’s Gate 3.

CrossPlay: A Desired but Absent Feature

As of the latest updates from Larian Studios, Baldur’s Gate 3 does not currently support crossplay. This means that players on PlayStation cannot team up with those on PC or Xbox for cooperative gameplay. Despite the absence of this feature at launch, there is a silver lining: cross-platform saves are supported.

This allows players to pick up their progress on any platform, provided they have a Larian account and have linked their saves, offering a form of cross-platform continuity.

Crossplay A Desired But Absent Feature

The Future in Baldur’s Gate 3

Larian Studios has acknowledged the community’s desire for crossplay. In statements and developer blog posts, such as those reported by Escapist Magazine and Shacknews, Larian has indicated that crossplay is in the pipeline but has refrained from giving a definitive timeline for its implementation.

According to a statement in April 2024, the development team is actively working on this much-requested feature. Still, it was revealed that it will come “further down the road,” implying it’s a complex process that requires more time to perfect.

Cross-Platform Saves: Bridging the Gap

Without crossplay, Larian Studios has implemented cross-platform save functionality early in the game’s development. This system permits players to sync their saved files across different platforms via a Larian account.

While not a substitute for cross-play, this feature allows players the flexibility to switch platforms without losing progress. Especially for those who own multiple gaming systems, cross-save is a welcome provision that ensures continuity in their adventure.

The Community’s Role and Anticipation

The Community's Role And Anticipation

The community around Baldur’s Gate 3 has been vocal about wanting crossplay, showcasing the modern gamer’s expectation for seamless connectivity across platforms.

The discussion forums and social media are abuzz with speculation and collective hope for the eventual launch. The anticipation for this feature highlights the changing landscape of multiplayer gaming, where physical boundaries and platform divisions are increasingly seen as relics of the past.

Conclusion: A Waiting Game

As Larian Studios continues working on Baldur’s Gate 3, introducing new patches, content, and potentially crossplay, the game’s community waits eagerly. The demand for crossplay underscores the importance of connected gaming experiences in today’s digital age — something game developers are taking note of. Players can now use cross-platform saves to keep their adventures going across different devices.

While the lack of a definitive date keeps players in suspense, the promise of its development ensures that the conversation around Baldur’s Gate 3 remains lively and hopeful. The commitment from Larian Studios to addressing fan requests and enhancing the game’s features, including possible future support, illustrates the evolving nature of game development in response to community feedback.

As Baldur’s Gate 3’s story unfolds both in and out of its gameplay, the prospective addition of crossplay remains one of the most anticipated chapters yet to be written.

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